Ice is a PHP web framework implemented as a C extension.
The Ice framework supports PHP 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, and 7.2. PHP 7.3 and 7.4 are not yet supported.
To use the Ice framework, you must first install the Ice PHP extension for your version of PHP.
To install this extension, SSH into your server as root and run the following commands:
sudo apt-get -y install git gcc make autoconf libc-dev pkg-config git clone --depth=1 cd framework/ PATH=/opt/sp/phpX.Y/bin:$PATH ./install sudo bash -c "echo > /etc/phpX.Y-sp/conf.d/ice.ini" sudo service phpX.Y-fpm-sp restart
You can verify the Ice extension is installed with the command:
phpX.Y-sp -i | grep ice
If Ice is installed correctly, you will see the following:
/etc/phpX.Y-sp/conf.d/ice.ini, ice ice => enabled Website => Email => FreeNode => #iceframework Twitter, Packagist => iceframework GitHub => ice
To uninstall this extension, as root run the command:
sudo rm /etc/phpX.Y-sp/conf.d/ice.ini
Next, restart PHP-FPM with the command:
sudo service phpX.Y-fpm-sp restart