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How to Enable HTTP/3

To enable HTTP/3 for all apps on a server, go to the server's Settings page in ServerPilot, select the option for "

How to Use the ServerPilot API

Introduction In this tutorial, we'll show you how to get started with the ServerPilot API. The ServerPilot API allows you to write programs that manage servers, apps, system users, and databases on your servers using HTTPS requests.

How to Use CloudFlare with ServerPilot

For additional security from online threats to your site, CloudFlare is a popular—and free—content delivery network (CDN) that accelerates your site while protecting it from DDOS (distributed denial of service) attacks.

cPanel Alternative

If you're deciding on cPanel vs. ServerPilot, here are some things worth considering. ServerPilot ServerPilot is the best hosting control panel for developers and businesses running their PHP applications on cloud servers.

Plesk Alternative

If you're deciding on Plesk vs. ServerPilot, here are some things worth considering. ServerPilot ServerPilot is the best hosting control panel for developers and businesses running their PHP applications on cloud servers.

How to View the Memory Usage of Your Server

ServerPilot's First Class and Business plans gives you monitoring dashboards where you can view and understands your server's memory usage.

How to Run a Simple FTP Server

This is an advanced tutorial. ServerPilot cannot provide any support for running an FTP server. The easiest way to run an FTP server is with a Python script that starts a simple FTP server.

How to Install Laravel

Laravel is a free and open-source PHP framework. This tutorial will show you how to create a new Laravel 5 app on your server.

How to Install Magento 1.9

If you have connected your server to ServerPilot, this tutorial will show you how to install Magento Community Edition 1.

WHMCS Addon Modules

WHMCS is a PHP app that provides a customer-facing billing and support system for hosting companies. WHMCS Name and History The name WHMCS stands for WHM Complete Solution.

How to Use Cron to Schedule Scripts

Introduction The most common way to automatically run scripts at scheduled times is through cron. For example, you can use cron to make scheduled web requests to a specific URL on your website.

Where to Find Your Log Files

When things go wrong with your apps, looking through your log files is the first step to troubleshooting your problems.

Libraries and Wrappers for the ServerPilot API

Introduction The ServerPilot API allows you to configure and manage PHP applications on your servers using scripts you write rather than through the ServerPilot control panel.

How to Use Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs)

Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) are domain names that contain non-ASCII characters. For example, the domain bücher.ch is an IDN because it has the character ü.

How to Install the ImageMagick Executable

If your app requires the ImageMagick executables (for example, your app's configuration page asks for a path to ImageMagick) rather than the ImageMagick PHP extension, you can install the ImageMagick package by logging in to your server as root and running this command:

How to Automatically Deploy a Git Repo from Bitbucket

This article shows you how to automatically deploy your app from a git repo hosted at Bitbucket. That is, whenever you push your master branch to Bitbucket, Bitbucket will POST to a URL on your server, which will then pull and deploy the repo.

How to Install FFmpeg

FFmpeg is a tool for converting video and audio files. Installing FFmpeg on Ubuntu 16.04 or 18.04 On Ubuntu 16.

How to Install Magento 2

ServerPilot makes it easy to install Magento 2 on your servers with DigitalOcean, Rackspace, or Linode. To use Magento 2, you must have connected an Ubuntu 16.

How to Use Nano to Edit Files

There are several text editors for the command line, but nano is probably the easiest to use. Editing files at the command line can save you time as you don't need to download the files, edit them locally, and then upload them back to the server.

How to Use a Dedicated MySQL Server

The content of this article is for advanced users and expert sysadmins. ServerPilot cannot offer support with using a dedicated MySQL server.

How to Host html and Other Static Websites

Along with your dynamic PHP apps, you can easily host your normal html and other static files on your server managed by ServerPilot.

How to Use the 'top' Command

If you notice an increase in CPU or memory usage on your server, the top command is one of the easiest and most reliable means of determining what is using those resources in real time.

Where to Find Your Database Credentials in Drupal

If you have changed your database password in ServerPilot, you will also need to change it in Drupal's code for your app to run correctly.

Where to Find Your Database Credentials in Joomla

If you have changed your database password in ServerPilot, you will also need to change it in Joomla's code for your app to run correctly.

How to Connect to Microsoft SQL Server from PHP

To communicate with a Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL) database, ServerPilot supports the ODBC extension in all PHP versions. Starting with PHP 7.

Bitnami Alternative

When Amazon EC2 left beta in 2008, many developers wanted to begin running their websites on Amazon EC2. However, there was no easy way for developers who weren't sysadmins to install a web stack on EC2 servers without learning server administration.

Customizing MySQL for WHMCS 7

The WHMCS 7 documentation currently does not state which MySQL 5.7 sql_mode customizations need to be made. This article is based on feedback we've heard from users about how they have successfully gotten WHMCS 7 working.

How to Change the Timezone of Your Server

You can change your server's timezone by SSHing in to your server as root and running this command: sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata Then, follow the prompts to pick your preferred timezone.

HostGator Alternative

Over the past decade, the web hosting industry has changed. Developers all over the world have moved from crowded shared hosting to fast and secure cloud servers managed by ServerPilot.

How to Install Memcached

Careful! We can't provide support for customizations or for any errors, downtime, or vulnerabilities you introduce through customizations. Unless you're absolutely sure about what you're doing, you should stop now!

How to Install MongoDB

To install the MongoDB NoSQL database server, log in to your server as the root user and run the following command:

How to Install Redis

To install the Redis key/value store, log in to your server as the root user and run the following command:

DirectAdmin Alternative

If you're considering DirectAdmin vs. ServerPilot, this article will help you compare the two. ServerPilot ServerPilot is designed to be the best control panel for running PHP applications on cloud servers.

Gzip Compression is Enabled by Default

ServerPilot automatically enables gzip compression on all of your apps. How Gzip Compression Works The gzip compression system works by temporarily replacing similar strings in files with shorter ones, making the total file size smaller.

How Log Rotation Is Configured

ServerPilot configures daily log rotation for your application's log files. One week's worth of log files are kept for your application.

How to Configure DeployBot

DeployBot is a service that will automatically deploy files from your GitHub or BitBucket repositories to your apps. The Basic plan costs $15 per month and allows you to deploy code from up to 10 git repositories.

How to Confirm HTTP/2 Works on Your Site

Google Chrome offers a quick and easy way to check if HTTP/2 is supported on your SSL-enabled site. First, visit your site in Chrome over HTTPS.

How to Connect a Database to Laravel

If you want your Laravel project to use a MySQL database, follow these steps: First, create your database in ServerPilot and copy the database name, username, and password.

How to Determine What Is Using Disk Space

If you notice an unexpected amount of your server's disk being used, you can run the command line tool ncdu to track down what is consuming the most disk space.

How to Enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

By default, web browsers do not allow websites to make cross-origin requests in certain security-sensitive situations. To tell browsers to allow cross-origin requests to a site that belongs to you, you can use cross-origin resource sharing (CORS).

How to Install a WooCommerce Theme

Once you have WooCommerce installed and set up on your WordPress site, you might notice your products, cart, and checkout do not appear in your theme's menus.

How to Install Drupal

After you have connected your server to ServerPilot, you can install Drupal on your server with DigitalOcean, Rackspace, or Linode using SFTP.

How to Install Drush

Drush is a command-line shell and scripting interface for Drupal. Installing Drush To install Drush, SSH in to your server as root and run the following commands:

How to Install Joomla

After you connect your server to ServerPilot, you can install Joomla on your DigitalOcean server using SFTP. Creating an App in ServerPilot First, click Create App in ServerPilot; this can be done immediately after connecting a server or by going to the Apps page.

How to Install Locales

Installing additional locales enables you to use PHP's setlocale() function so various other functions, such as localeconv() and strftime(), will return text formatted for a specific language or region.

How to Install the WooCommerce Plugin for WordPress

WooCommerce is an open-source eCommerce plugin for WordPress created by WooThemes. For more information, visit WooThemes and WordPress Plugins. Automatic Installation Log in to the WordPress dashboard, find the Plugins menu, click Add New, and search for WooCommerce.

How to Install WooCommerce

WooCommerce is a free and simple ecommerce plugin for WordPress that allows you to set up your small- to large-sized store as quickly as you set up your WordPress site.

How to Make URLs Case Insensitive

Case sensitivity is a good thing; it prevents the server from returning the wrong directories or files and decreases confusion.

How to Manage the Magento Cache

Magento has a built-in cache management system that is enabled by default. The cache management system shows the status of each primary cache and its associated tag.

How to Patch Magento

When you first log in to your Magento Admin Panel, you may be alerted to install the latest critical security patches.

How to Restart Services

If you have customized Nginx, Apache, or PHP on your server, you will have to restart that service before it will function properly.

How to Run Apps in Any Language

Careful! We can only provide support for PHP apps. Unless you're absolutely sure about what you're doing, you should stop now!

How to Safely Customize Your Server's Configuration Files

To customize the global configuration files (files in /etc/) that belong to Nginx, Apache, or PHP, you can use the following instructions:

How to Upload an Existing Laravel App over SFTP

If you have created a Laravel project on your desktop, it's time to upload it to your server for launch.

How to Use a Load Balancer

Load balancing should only be used if you or one of your team members is an expert sysadmin. If used by developers who are not experienced with server administration, the complexity involved in load balancing will result in downtime and other breakage.

How to Use Autoscaling

Autoscaling should only be used if you or one of your team members is an expert sysadmin. If used by developers who are not experienced with server administration, the complexity involved in autoscaling will result in downtime and other breakage.

How to Use Magento Sample Data

If you are new to using Magento, you can upload sample data to your app from Magento's repository and learn about the ecommerce content management system.

How to Use WooThemes Helper

After you install and activate the first WooThemes product on your site, you'll see a notification in your WordPress Dashboard to install the WooThemes Helper plugin.

Protecting Your Joomla Site from Exploits and Vulnerabilities

The most common cause of Joomla exploits is due to vulnerable extensions. To help its users stay on top of risks from vulnerable plugins, Joomla maintains a list of known plugin vulnerabilities.

Solution to Magento Showing IP Address Instead of Domain

If you installed Magento before setting up a domain for the app in ServerPilot, chances are your users are being redirected to your IP address when visiting your domain in a browser.

Why You Should Not Install mod_cloudflare

If you use CloudFlare, you should not install mod_cloudflare. In fact, there's nothing you need to install or configure on your server.

ZPanel Alternative

ZPanel was written as an open-source cPanel alternative and is for users who do traditional shared hosting and reselling.

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