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Packages from ServerPilot and Ubuntu

ServerPilot installs packages from two sources:

  • ServerPilot’s package repositories
  • Ubuntu’s package repositories

Third-party package sources

It is safe to configure third-party APT package sources as long as the packages provided by those repositories do not replace Ubuntu’s packages.

Configuring third-party package sources that will replace packages already installed on your server will generally cause breakage. The safe way to use newer versions of Ubuntu’s packages is to upgrade the server’s Ubuntu release.

Avoiding package conflicts

It is safe to install additional packages from Ubuntu’s repositories with the following exceptions:

  • Ubuntu web server packages that listen on ports 80, 81, or 443. For example, installing Ubuntu’s nginx and apache packages or packages that depend on them (for example, the phpmyadmin package) will cause breakage.
  • Ubuntu PHP-CLI packages that provide /usr/bin/php. For example, installing Ubuntu’s php-cli or php8.3-cli package will cause breakage.