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Resize servers on DigitalOcean

Use this guide to change the vCPUs, memory, and disk size of servers at DigitalOcean.

Server resize options

When changing a server’s configuration at DigitalOcean, it is not possible to choose a server configuration that has a smaller disk than the server’s current disk size. As a result, the type of resize you perform determines whether you can later decrease the size of a server.

Resize CPU and RAM only

When you increase only a server’s vCPUs and RAM, you can later choose to change the server back to the server’s previous configuration to reduce costs. With this option, you pay the same price increase as if you also increased the size of the server’s disk but the server’s disk size does not change.

Resize Disk, CPU, and RAM

When you increase a server’s disk size along with the server’s vCPUs and RAM, you will not be able to change the server back to the server’s previous configuration to reduce costs.

Resize a server

A server’s plan and configuration determines server’s resources as well as whether the server’s vCPUs are shared with neighboring servers on the same hardware.

Perform the following steps to resize a server.

  1. In the DigitalOcean dashboard, go to the Droplets page.
  2. Click on the name of the droplet.
  3. Click Power.
  4. Click Turn off.
  5. Wait for the server’s status at the top of the page to change to Off.
  6. Click Resize.
  7. Choose the type of server resize.
    • CPU and RAM only — This resize can be reversed.
    • Disk, CPU and RAM — This resize can’t be reversed.
  8. Choose the new server configuration.
  9. Click Resize.
  10. Scroll up to the top of the page and wait until the Resizing Droplet message is no longer shown.
  11. Click Power.
  12. Click Turn on.