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List of available MySQL metrics

Metric nameDescription

Query rate (avg)

The average per-second rate of queries executed by MySQL.

Query rate (max)

The maximum per-second rate of queries executed by MySQL.

Slow query rate (avg)

The average per-second rate of queries executed by MySQL that took longer than the slow query time threshold configured in MySQL (0.5 seconds by default).

Slow query rate (max)

The maximum per-second rate of queries executed by MySQL that took longer than the slow query time threshold configured in MySQL (0.5 seconds by default).

Connections (max)

The maximum number of connected clients.

Each executing PHP request will normally have at most one connection to MySQL.

Max used connections since MySQL started

The highest number of concurrently connected clients MySQL has seen at any time since MySQL started.

If this value is equal to the configured value of max_connections, then the MySQL connection limit has been hit at some point in time since MySQL was started.

Configured connection limit

MySQL’s configured limit for the maximum number of concurrent connections allowed.

This is the value of MySQL’s max_connections setting. Increasing this value increases memory usage regardless of the number of connected clients.

InnoDB IOPS (avg)

The average per-second rate of disk read and write operations by MySQL’s InnoDB storage engine.

MySQL Traffic (avg)

The average per-second rate of traffic sent and received by MySQL.

MySQL Traffic (max)

The maximum per-second rate of traffic sent and received by MySQL.

Configured InnoDB buffer pool size

The configured size of the InnoDB buffer pool in bytes.

The buffer pool is an area of memory where MySQL caches data.

InnoDB buffer pool usage (max)

The maximum percentage used of the InnoDB cache.

When the InnoDB cache is full, MySQL will become slow as data must be read from disk when executing a query.

Configured open table cache size

The configured size of MySQL’s open table cache.

This is the value of MySQL’s table_open_cache setting. For every table used by a query, MySQL needs to load the table metadata and open file descriptors which are expensive operations. The open table cache allows opened tables to be reused by subsequent queries.

Open table cache usage (max)

The maximum percentage of the open table cache that is used.

Note that the same table can be opened by many clients simultaneously, so the total number of tables across all databases is not an upper bound of the total number of opened tables.

Open table cache miss rate (max)

The maximum per-second rate of tables that needed to be opened because the table was not available in the open table cache.