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Use .user.ini files to configure PHP

A .user.ini file allows you to change the configuration of PHP on a per-app and per-directory basis. A .user.ini file is PHP’s equivalent of Apache’s .htaccess file.

Create a .user.ini file in an app’s web root directory to apply the file’s directives to all requests for the app.


The directives in a .user.ini file can be overridden by a .user.ini file in a subdirectory.

Use the phpinfo() function to confirm a PHP setting was changed.

Create and edit .user.ini files

You can create and edit .user.ini files either over SSH or with an SFTP client.

Learn how to edit files over SSH.

Show hidden .user.ini files

Files beginning with a dot (.) are often hidden in directory listings.

To show hidden files when using the ls command, add the -a (all files) flag.

Terminal window
ls -a apps/APPNAME/public/

Format of .user.ini files

Each line in a .user.ini file has the format:

setting_name = setting_value

Lines in .user.ini files that start with a semicolon (;) are comments and are ignored by PHP.

Settings that can be changed

Most PHP settings can be changed through a .user.ini file.

To confirm that a setting can be changed through a .user.ini file, check the “Changeable” column in PHP’s list of settings. A setting with the “Changeable” mode of INI_PERDIR or INI_USER can be changed through a .user.ini file.

Change max_execution_time

The PHP max_execution_time is the number of seconds PHP will allow a script to run before PHP terminates the script.

Change the PHP max_execution_time setting:

; The value of max_execution_time is the number of seconds.
max_execution_time = 120

Change memory_limit

Change the PHP memory_limit setting.

; The value of memory_limit is the number of bytes. Use -1 for no limit.
memory_limit = -1

To completely disable PHP’s memory limit, use the following.

memory_limit = -1

Change max_input_vars

Change the PHP max_input_vars setting.

; The value of max_input_vars is the number of input variables.
max_input_vars = 5000

Change upload_max_filesize and post_max_size

To increase the maximum size of files that can be uploaded to an app, change the PHP upload_max_filesize and post_max_size settings.

upload_max_filesize = 100M
post_max_size = 100M

Disable register_argc_argv

To disable PHP’s register_argc_argv, use the following.

register_argc_argv = 0

Change the PHP timezone

The default timezone used by all PHP date/time functions is UTC regardless of your server’s timezone.

To change the PHP timezone for an app, use the following.

date.timezone = America/Los_Angeles

See PHP’s list of supported timezones to find the names of all possible timezones you can use for the date.timezone setting.