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Use MySQL from the command line

The MySQL CLI allows you to run queries, export databases, and import databases from the command line.

Default MySQL credentials

You can create a .my.cnf file in a system user’s home directory to avoid needing to provide the database name, user, and password as arguments to MySQL CLI commands when you are SSH’d into the server as that system user.

The format of the file is:


By default, only the system user root has a .my.cnf file.

MySQL root user

The MySQL root user has administrative privileges within MySQL and can access and manage every database.

The MySQL root user’s password is in the file:


To view the file while logged into a server as the root system user, use the cat command.

Terminal window
sudo cat /root/.my.cnf

Execute a SQL query

To execute a SQL query, use the following command. Replace DB_USER with the database username, replace DB_NAME with the name of the database, and replace SQL_QUERY with the query to execute. You’ll be prompted for the database user’s password.

Terminal window
mysql DB_NAME -p -u DB_USER -e "SQL_QUERY"

Export a database

The command to export a database depends on whether you want to create a compressed or an uncompressed export file.

In the commands shown, replace DB_USER with the database username and replace DB_NAME with the name of the database. You’ll be prompted for the database user’s password.

Terminal window
mysqldump --single-transaction --no-tablespaces -p -u DB_USER DB_NAME | gzip > DB_NAME.sql.gz

The export can take many minutes to complete if the database is large. A successful export will not print any output.

Import a database

The command to import a database depends whether you are importing from a compressed or an uncompressed file.

Replace DB_USER with the database username and replace DB_NAME with the name of the database. You’ll be prompted for the database user’s password.

Terminal window
zcat DB_NAME.sql.gz | mysql -p -u DB_USER DB_NAME

The import can take many minutes to complete if the database is large. A successful import will not print any output.

Interactive shell

To open an interactive MySQL shell, use the following command. Replace DB_USER with the database username. You’ll be prompted for the database user’s password.

Terminal window
mysql -u DB_USER -p

In the MySQL shell, run the following command to set the database that will be used for subsequent commands. Replace DB_NAME with the name of the database.

use DB_NAME;

For example, if your database was named wordpress:

mysql> use wordpress;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Database changed

You can now execute SQL queries.

mysql> SELECT COUNT(*) from wp_posts;
| COUNT(*) |
| 6 |
1 row in set (0.03 sec)