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Create and manage MySQL databases

Each database on a server belongs to an app. An app can have more than one database. When you create a WordPress app, a database is created automatically. Deleting an app deletes the app’s databases.

Creating a database also creates a database user. A database user can only access the database for which the database user was created.

Create a database

To create a database for an app:

  1. Go to the Apps page in the dashboard and click on the name of the app.
  2. Click on Databases.
  3. Click on Create Database.
  4. Enter a Name, Username, and Password for the database.
  5. Click on Create Database.

Delete a database

  1. Go to the Apps page in the dashboard and click on the name of the app.
  2. Click on Databases.
  3. Click on the name of the database.
  4. Click on Delete.
  5. Click on Confirm Delete.

Change a database user’s password

When you change a database user’s password, you will need to update the database password in your app’s configuration files. For WordPress, the database password is in the app’s wp-config.php file.

To change a database user’s password:

  1. Go to the Apps page in the dashboard and click on the name of the app.
  2. Click on Databases.
  3. Click on the name of the database.
  4. In the Change Database User Password form, enter the New Password for the database user.
  5. Click on Update Password.