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Manage billing and view invoices

Usage-based billing

ServerPilot’s billing is usage-based. This is the same billing method used by most server providers. You only pay for what you use and you have zero costs for months where you had no servers.

Hourly usage costs for a server begin accruing when you connect a server to ServerPilot and stop accruing when you delete the server from ServerPilot.

Hourly usage costs for an app begin accruing when you create an app in ServerPilot and stop accruing when you delete the app from ServerPilot.

Billing date

Invoices are generated for each month after the month has ended. Your payment method will be charged when your invoice is generated. For example, your payment method will be charged for July’s usage on August 1st when your July invoice is generated.

Payment method

ServerPilot supports two payment methods:

  1. Credit card
  2. PayPal prepaid credit

You can manage payment methods on your account’s Billing page.

To use a credit card, click on Add Credit Card. Your credit card will be charged when your invoice is generated on the first day of each month.

To use PayPal, click on Add PayPal Credit. Your PayPal prepaid credit will be used when your invoice is generated on the first day of each month. If you also have a card on file, your prepaid credit will be applied to your invoice first. Any remainder due will be charged to your card on file.

Monthly invoices

Invoices are available on the first day of each month on your account’s Billing page.

Your business information used for invoices can be updated in your Account profile.

Current month usage

Your usage costs for the current month are available on your account’s Billing page.