EarlyDog: Managed Cloud on Google Cloud, AWS, and Microsoft Azure

March 8, 2021

We’re thrilled to announce EarlyDog, our fully managed cloud hosting service. With EarlyDog’s managed cloud, you get a dedicated team of engineers who expertly manage and monitor your hosting on Google Cloud, AWS, or Microsoft Azure using both automated tools and their own expertise.

Whether you’ve grown beyond traditional hosting or need to focus on development rather than self-managing servers, we handle your hosting while you build your business.

Your own dedicated team of EarlyDog engineers handles all aspects of managing and monitoring your cloud hosting so you don't have to wake up at night.

We build custom infrastructure based on your project’s needs. All-inclusive pricing is based on Google, AWS, or Azure costs. See our managed cloud pricing.

How EarlyDog works

Each EarlyDog customer gets a dedicated team of engineers. Their combination of specialties are matched to your application and infrastructure needs. You’ll work with these same people consistently, communicating with them by email, Zoom, and Slack.

Your EarlyDog team builds, manages, and monitors your infrastructure, manages backups and security, handles migrations, and provides you ongoing status reports. Your EarlyDog team also handles DNS changes, CDN management, firewall management, scaling, and cloud cost optimization.

Why EarlyDog’s better

Real people monitor your servers and sites. Your EarlyDog team combines automated alerts with internal dashboards to get the best of both automated and manual monitoring. As they know your business and infrastructure, your EarlyDog team implements additional monitoring tailored to your sites and applications.

We can solve any scaling problem. By taking into account your specific application and your business priorities, our engineers can solve your scaling needs in practical, cost-effective ways.

Contact EarlyDog to talk to an engineer about managed cloud solutions for your business-critical hosting.